Our choice of toys.

Me and my husband are big fans of wooden materials.  We had a very specific choice of toys for our girl. It might seem being quite costly from the first sight but these materials usually last for a very long time, not mentioning how much enjoyment they bring to our girl. We avoid buying plastic and electronic stuff and and it helps us to save quite a bit.

 Montessori was an advocate for wooden materials for the children. Montessori toys have simple design, however, they reflect the vision Maria Montessori had – helping to keep the child focused on the task rather than the object. Wood offers wider experience to a child through its grain, variety of smells, differing weights and sounds when tapped. Wood also attaches importance to nature, which in turn connects the child to the world around them.
These are the toys we picked so far. You can find them online, on Etsy or EBay
Silver coated rattle. It offers a different sense of temperature and weight.
Wooden rattles

Montessori set for infants and toddlers.

Another wooden rattle.

The other day we went to pre-loved baby market and found a few wonderful bargains there, check it out:

These toys have a specific purpose and are suitable for a certain age.


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